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Rocket Man

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Downloads : 26218
donwloadUploaded on 28/12/08
It is a story about a girl that reads her favourite pop-up book. In this book there is a farm and on this farm lives a man with his monkey. Both the man and the monkey long for adventure, and with a little ingenuity they find a way to see more of the world.

Johannes Lindberg
Project manager, matchmoving, rotoscoping, compositing

Michal Marcinkowski :
Vechicle artist, VFX, storyboard & concept art, compositing

Mehmet Özdemir :
Character animation, modelling & rigging (monkey), compositing

Tim sundin
Character animation, modelling & rigging (Rocketman), compositing

Olov Jacobsen :
Environment artist, VFX, compositing

Special Thanks to:
Dayne Cowan, Dneg (mentor)
Andreas Grenholm (score & soundedit)
Nova Agghammar (actress)
Dan Sjölund (photography)
Film i Västerbotten (sponsor)

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searchn4ya2 on 16 August 2010
Wonderful! Congratulations.
RAT N ROACH on 21 February 2010
superteach61 on 12 January 2010
Love this animation-used it with Y6 and they understood it perfectly. Thank you.
katatae on 1 October 2009
thank you
yayaraya08 on 23 September 2009
S-T-S on 8 September 2009
Nice animation.

As I interpret it, the man tries to escape from the imaginative world to the real world. Only to be pulled back to the book when the girl closes it.
namecaps1 on 24 February 2009
Finally an animation that doesn't neglect the needs for a proper story. Excellent.
EdsonMS on 10 January 2009
Great movie
eibz on 6 January 2009
jne on 28 December 2008
Beautiful and poetic short animation worth every frame.
I really liked the idea and how it's been put into images.
Congrats to all the team !