Duration : 3:44

Downloads : 55725

Feel the emotion of seeing the works of great artists come alive. All of a sudden Pablo Picasso's masterpiece "Guernica" and Van Gogh's “Bedroom In Arles” paintings, Salvador Dali's " La Persistance de la Mémoire" and Escher's “Relativity” become living sceneries. The finale is absolutely surprising.

on 11 January 2009
Love it!
Love it!
on 28 March 2005
Great show
Great show
on 9 February 2005
Muito Legal essa animação, e mostra que o autor manja de Arte, pois ele cita obras de Picasso, Dali, e Van Gogh. Congratulations Marcelo.
Muito Legal essa animação, e mostra que o autor manja de Arte, pois ele cita obras de Picasso, Dali, e Van Gogh. Congratulations Marcelo.
on 21 November 2004
I need many short film (free)
can you help me !
I need many short film (free)
can you help me !
on 15 August 2004
It's very artistic. I like its music very much!
It's very artistic. I like its music very much!
on 2 May 2004
Simplismente magnífico... não existem palavras para descrever tamanha beleza e grandeza dessa obra de arte!
É uma honra saber que o autor foi um Brasileiro!
Estão falando muito bem dele aí: http://www.flashmasters.com.br/forum/index.php?showtopic=7871
Ing. Simply wonderfull... there arent words to describe such beautiful, such amazing art work!
Is an honour to know that the author is an Brasilian!
They are talking very well of his work here:
Simplismente magnífico... não existem palavras para descrever tamanha beleza e grandeza dessa obra de arte!
É uma honra saber que o autor foi um Brasileiro!
Estão falando muito bem dele aí: http://www.flashmasters.com.br/forum/index.php?showtopic=7871
Ing. Simply wonderfull... there arent words to describe such beautiful, such amazing art work!
Is an honour to know that the author is an Brasilian!
They are talking very well of his work here:
on 1 May 2004
The concept is great as with your attention to the details of the art pieces used in the animation. It's only flaw is its length; I want to see more!
The concept is great as with your attention to the details of the art pieces used in the animation. It's only flaw is its length; I want to see more!
on 18 April 2004
on 7 March 2004
great work. This would make a great video for any song.
great work. This would make a great video for any song.