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3.73/5 (267 votes)
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donwloadUploaded on 28/10/02
A chicken auditioning for the role as Scrat in the Ice Age movie, overdoes her ambitions in a 'cracking' way!
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bccme on 9 March 2006
Ice Egg is a cool little film! I enjoy it often. I've had it on my little Pocket PC for years and I never tire of it. When I last visited my little niece and nephew, they thoroughly enjoyed watching Ice Egg on the tiny screen. Thanks for sharing it!
Lauri on 1 July 2004
Its a good movie & good system
Jordan on 24 April 2004
Hilarious. Goes great on my Tungsten E handheld
wz on 3 February 2004
but need yr help to get the eggs running
nightwolf on 15 November 2003
plays great even on my XDA/pda mobliy!!. need to see more though
Another animator dude. on 26 September 2003
You wanna know what I think you dim-witted numb skull? You poor mindless excuse of a human being? I think it is sheer brilliance. You are a genius dude. The motion was perfect and one cue. I hope you are doing movies.
richatos on 24 July 2003
very funny, coool imagination (you smoke weed, Isn't)
cyril on 18 March 2003
ithink iceegg is the best animated short very short
movie i ever seen in my life...
i love very much all chicken and eggs...
i also love the ice, so u can understand that i love
it's very funny... like me...i'm a chicken.
PShawTx on 17 March 2003
I loved Iceegg. Just wish it was longer.
Do a longer version of it. Do one with differnt annimals trying out.
archiplus on 14 February 2003
Cool idea and real good work
jm on 28 January 2003
mystical gohan on 10 January 2003
kinda short but like they say: "the best things come in small packages"
Del on 21 December 2002
TripleJay58 on 7 December 2002
Terrific. Even my friends who have not seen Ice Age really dig it!!
Picl on 4 December 2002
Cool idea and real good work
Invalidalias on 30 November 2002
funn, clever!
Daniel Nygren on 4 November 2002
Well, its nice to see my short Ice Egg get such a nice rating here. Please tell me what you think of it, good or bad!