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WarCraft III

4.22/5 (316 votes)
Downloads : 16871
donwloadUploaded on 9/9/01
Waouh ! Thid is an very impressive trailer for this new game... Very nice CG & sound !
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D3ViL on 10 January 2004
Can anybody PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASE send me that video!?!?!? I REALLY NEED IT!!!!!!

amit on 18 December 2002
i say great too.......
pp on 22 July 2002
It's great!
hi on 19 July 2002
It's great!
v4r on 12 October 2001
Great directing, awesome war music, very inspiring war scenes, really cool ending...The only problem is that there are very few scenes from actual combat
Burner on 11 September 2001
This is better then most movie trailers. amazing CG. I think im going to buy the game now
Sartoris on 10 September 2001
Just GREAT !!!