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3.65/5 (82 votes)
Downloads : 16990
donwloadUploaded on 29/10/01
A gentle swell. The little octopus Tinny winds his way skillfully through the glutinous and slimy mass. As always, Tinny had filled his pores with the essence of life and full of determination he plunged into the darkness of slime, sea grass and color.
But this time something was different...
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LBackover on 21 January 2002
Sucked... seem better film on teeth :(
Carrion on 6 November 2001
I can see why people have not commented on this animation. It is extremely obscure and draw out, almost to the point of boredom. The only thing stopping you from falling into a deep sleep is the mystery of the 'tube'.

The animation itself is very good. It has excellent use of tools, techniques, character motion and expression. This is truly professional work, although not exciting work. (***--)
stoner on 1 November 2001
u have a fantastic imagination, all camera angles and composition are made so well, no doubt, u did an excellent job