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Garden of Love

3.50/5 (121 votes)
Downloads : 22246
donwloadUploaded on 16/2/02
This is Onur last short film. It is an animation about Valentine's Day and is a gift for his girl friend :)
Is bas been done in 10 days, including rendering. He used Softimage XSI 1.5 / XSI 2.0 and Mental Ray 2.1 / 3.0 for Final Gathering rendering.
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ogüstin on 2 March 2004

aşkı bulduğunu sanan,onun peşinden koşan,aşık olduğunda da onu kaybeden...
aşk sarhoşluğunun aşktan öteye geçmesi...

neri on 16 April 2002
bence de güzel iş.. go on please..:))
chiva on 13 April 2002
Nice :) ..... keep it up !
roy on 1 March 2002
Onur YELDAN on 25 February 2002
Thank you guys for your encourager and beautiful comments :)
Ok I'll speak on 22 February 2002
This "film" looked like someone with a lot of talent who put in his 10 days of work for his girlfriend. On the other hand, this was a real groaner for anyone isn't Onur's girlfriend.
billy on 19 February 2002
this is just fantastic and frankly i cant get words in at the moment, yet a great site and use. thanks for making it happen