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4.14/5 (322 votes)
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MANTIS, a CG, 5.5-minute film by Grzegorz Jonkajtys
A non commercial project that was completed in 9 months using Cinema 4D XL
6.1 software, hard work and long nights.

story design and animation: Grzegorz Jonkajtys
music: Piotr Lichwierowicz
sound: Grzegorz Jonkajtys and Jerzy Łabuda
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noesz on 22 March 2004
I don't know what to say about this film, it's very mysterious. And i don't know about what the film is:) But this is a great job to make film so realistic.
djbolas on 5 January 2004
Troche sie spoznilem, bo dopiero teraz zobaczyłem ten film... Ale naprawde gratuluje Ci. Świetnie Ci to wyszło!!! Chciałbym w przyszłości umieć zrobić coś takiego.... hehe Tylko nie wiem jak...:)) Podziwiam Cię za pomysł i wykonanie!!! Pozdrawiam!!!
scooby on 17 February 2003
Wykonałeś niezła robote!!!
nana on 24 October 2002
This is a superb short film. An inspiration to all 3d artists. maybe you could write some tutorials on how you put it all together...
sinai_1 on 16 May 2002
Fantastic work,testifies to the power of Cinema 4D....Pls,keep the flag flying.

Everyone is of course free to express opinions,
but they're also free to post their better version of "Mantis".
VYPRXCODE on 10 May 2002
The textures and lighting worked very well together. The whole look of the film corresponded with the story line. It was a very unique and refreshing idea. Excellent work!
extension on 23 December 2001
v.good concepts and well done graphics and effects the just great keep up the good work :)
Uncle Chips MAISAM THE GREATEST IN THE WORLD on 26 November 2001
ALSHAHEEN on 10 November 2001
its not just a film !!! its another world . superb work.
Artemia on 8 November 2001
I felt very attracted for the movie plot. The backgrouds and characters desing mach very well with the story mood.
Too bud for the fellow about the end.
jarasek on 17 September 2001
Great work and idea. Congratulations for three Polish guys created "Mantis". This film shows that good story is a core of creating great film. Technology, skills and software is only a tool.

Gratulacje za malo efektów, kolorów i innych rozpraszajacych bzdetów. Film jest zaskakujacy i daje sie ogladac kilkadziesiat razy. Nie nudzi.
GReg on 26 August 2001
GREEEAAT!!! Fantastic film, and I don't get people who complain for story. The atmosphere is similar to the TOOL videos (if someone saw them).
First 10/10 in this portal.
goolagong on 18 August 2001
great story, definately the best part of the film..
thorn on 25 July 2001
Very well done.

Contrary to some of the posts, I found the plot to be very well-translated... definately a good representation of the irony which can accompany love. Nice texture work and lighting.

Great film, saved permanently on my HD :).
starlord167 on 23 July 2001
A sad take on real life really....pity.
Voxxer on 15 July 2001
Well, I thought it was great animated...

I thought the story was good..
I see it as that she had been through what she put him through, or something like that..

for highest score: better story and smoother movement (enviorment vs. object-movement)
Mike on 14 July 2001
I was really impressed with the film, however I do agree with the one who said the story is the weak part, but I wouldn't put it so strongly. Maybe the girl robot, the 'evil' one replaced a missing part with one from the tinkerer's body or something like that, to tie up the film more completely. Excellent, though, and don't pay too much attention to criticism. I only wish I could do something as amazing.
moogle on 14 July 2001
I liked the hidden meaning in the title "Mantis", which relates to how the male bot is killed by the female. Great movie!
orin palmer on 14 July 2001
Very nicely done, with a good twist at the end.
dzogchen on 10 July 2001
The point of the story (I believe)is that life is full of unexpected events. No one is prepared when something out of their expectation happens.Anything can happen to YOU! I love the renders of this film - beautiful! Nice work! Sorry, Great Work!
per on 10 July 2001
great, and beautiful film,
but the story is the weak part.
liquid on 10 July 2001
this is nice, but whats the point of the story, what is it you want to say with it? a robot tries to build a partner, fails, finds another that might work, it works but is evil, kills the first robot. and with that you wanna tell the world... what?
wallgod on 10 July 2001
pretty good stuff....the plot could've been more engaging though
Xax on 8 July 2001
digifac on 7 July 2001
G. Terriffic movie, thanks for the inspiration.
thomas_4d on 7 July 2001
very nice style
excellent !!!!
hope you the have or
get a really cool job from it :)
Waciak on 5 July 2001
Brawo. Stworzyles doktorze Frankenstein piekne dzielo. Teraz mam nadzieje, zobaczyc Twoje potwory w nowych Star Warsach. A moze zacznij juz epizody VII, VIII, IX. Powodzenia.
Captain 3D on 4 July 2001
Grzegorz! What a masterpiece. I know what you have gone through to make this fantastic short and you have done and amazing job.

I hope you are going to promote it around the festivals
Retrosketch on 4 July 2001
My best compliment for this film is that it's sick, twisted, and very disturbing. At least it wasn't boring. Steven Spielberg must have watched this just before he made A.I.
Jark on 3 July 2001
Great motion, sound, colors and story.
perfect animations.
Great yob!!!!!!!!!
True Duke on 3 July 2001
Good job! Really!
And I would also add : total masterisation :)
Bloomy on 2 July 2001
One of the best short movie i ever seen.
It rocks...
U must see it
Branquinho on 2 July 2001
Very good. I like it. I'm now starting in Maya maybe we can work togheter in the future and do great things...

Portugal say yeee!!!!
nikth on 2 July 2001
double times thumbs up
rendergirl on 2 July 2001
congratulations. exiting and beautyful.
lucifer on 2 July 2001
the animating is very flexible and the scenaries
textures looks realitic. I also a 3danimatoer wannabe...i building a webpage for my 3d folio......but under construction..any ur 3d animation is cool.
jurand on 2 July 2001
its funtastic !!!
I have no words to describe it, a must see film :)