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The House on Dame Street

3.69/5 (108 votes)
Downloads : 17467
donwloadUploaded on 27/4/01
a short story set in a world of pure chaos, of pure evil where people's heads are slightly bigger and hardly anything is reflective because it takes too long to render...

...the secret of eternal life has just been found...
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dat48 on 10 October 2007
Brillent + atmospheric - thanks for letting us download and see
swampy on 25 February 2002
excellent! i also saw this on the blizzard of odd and it shook me up, i was still thinking about it the next day! really great, i would say that this is the single best animation that i have ever seen in my entire live. and iv seen a fair few animations. the man who made this knows his stuff.
Ciaran on 19 February 2002
Ahh Good old Blizzard of Odd, let's hope it returns to our (Irish) screens soon. Check Out 50% Gray also by Ruairi Robinson, apparently it's up best short film at the Oscars!
caroline on 14 February 2002
Congratulations on your nomination. I saw the slot on The Blizzard of Odd and looked you up on the web. You really deserve it although I must admit I haven't seen a lot of your work.

hebitchmanslap on 24 January 2002
brilliant, excellent! download it, watch it and laugh yourself silly.
Dave W. on 22 January 2002
One of the funniest things I've seen in years!!
Sert_bOy(cO-7) on 24 September 2001
FUYOOO....memang best a'ar....congratulate for your effot...but ,i from SULTAN ABDUL HAMID COLLEGE .....going on. to build same like this (3D ANIMATION) 3D is coming soon.
Starlord167 on 11 July 2001
Actually quite good,with its cod victorian undertones;and get the Dublin accent at the end....Brilliant!
thomas_4d on 30 April 2001
very dark and doomy animation very nice feel :)
what 3d program did you use ??
i known it's a straight thing to say but the
credits look excellent
that Rairi Robinson must of been a busy fellow :)
i think we should investigate Rairi Robinson !!
most joy
thomas _4d