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Award winner of the 3D Festival in Copenhagen 2000 for best student animation, "Illusion" breaks through the idea of a real world and a dream of an artist.
It brings you through a magic travel from the old city's streets of Lausanne Switzerland to an artist apartement were reality will become illusion for a lapse of time. A drawing of a feary comes to live by the magic touch of a flying maple leaf....
The Artist Sébastien Guenot has conjointly with his friend Jerry started ORCAVISIONS Digital Art Studio AB after there graduation in Vancouver Film School in 2000. Orcavisions is focued on 3D animation and Fx and has also won an award for a realistic digital monkey at the 3D festival 2000.

The soundtrack was done by [email protected]">Marie Heddelin, feel free to contact her as well if like the music !
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Johnny Awb on 29 December 2004
Dear Sebastien,

A truly great animation short. Particularly given that you made it in 1999.

The version on this site is let down a little by the relatively poor resolution and the abrupt end to the sound track.

Any chance of re-rendering the short, re-mixing the sound track at a higher resolution and including a nice fade-out and ressurecting your web site to carry it, in the way many other animators have done? It would make a great showcase for your work.

John Awb, UK

Sebas on 14 December 2004
Hi Jxm,
Please give me your email and i send it to you.
I'm the illusion's author. The song was made espacially for my movie by Marie Heddelin.
I have a mp3 you can listen to.
Thanks for the comment.


JXM on 1 October 2004
Love the movie, Anyone know where i can find that music though? I loved it. please email me if you know where I can buy/download the music [email protected]
JéRéCé Hunters on 27 October 2002
Very Nice Animation I really like it well-done ..
Ineed watching it again...
Molle on 13 May 2002
I´m a ftiend of Marie Heddelin that has written the music. I think this movie is great.
You two should do something more twogether.
Raigor on 12 August 2001
mann on 2 August 2001 you eat peanuts?....coz it seems like a work of someone who eats peanuts before and after sleeping........waaaaaayy cooooolll!!!

Deedee on 28 July 2001
It´s very sweet, after downloading I just couldn´t stop watching it. and what a perfect soundtrack! I loved the music, who´s singing? It sounds like Björk...
I couldn´t find a link to download the mp3, please, send me more information about it, ok?
stevefaw on 18 June 2001
blown away,,, no words can desrcibe the wonder and imagination + (blood sweat & tears)



[email protected]
PocketMovies on 26 April 2001
Ooops !

I misspelled the name and the addresses...
All is correct now.

My apologies !
Walker on 24 April 2001
does anyone have a link that works? is registered at a Dutch ISP but it is not active. Can't find anything about Sébastien Guénot on the net at all. Would love to get the mp3 of the song.
DanQ on 19 April 2001
beatifull, but short... i can watching a listening this nostalgy thing three times and it's not enought ...
Joeking on 9 March 2001
pure genius, I was speachless!
Jakub on 16 February 2001
Neo[GDI] on 10 February 2001
Very nice concept. Really well done modeling, animation, and texturing (the goldfish man!)

The soundtrack was nice. What song is that? I like it a lot. Very trancy, just like the short.

Michael Allen Reed
CG Illustrator
as on 26 January 2001
wel its gooood
Voxxer on 21 January 2001
Good movements on that "flying thing" (Im swedish) Like Loic says: Great atmosphere..
Loïc Surprenant on 15 January 2001
well , that's what we call a clip well done , !
You have potential , we can see that you have great skills with lightning and mapping .

Your animation skills I am sure are good but we didn't see how good you are , but for the atmosphere of the clip , it's just great .

And by the way ,

I would like to know who is the signer in that cute song of yours .

Loïc Surprenant